Deus intelligit et non credit
News – Website’s update: we published the new section “Taumatolantanology”, where you will find Fr. Emidio Alessandrini’s studies on the so-called ‘borderline phenomena’!
News – Website’s update: we published the new section “Taumatolantanology”, where you will find Fr. Emidio Alessandrini’s studies on the so-called ‘borderline phenomena’!

News – Website’s update: we published the new section “Taumatolantanology”, where you will find Fr. Emidio Alessandrini’s studies on the so-called ‘borderline phenomena’!

Mystery cave


We keep on working on our blog’s new section dedicated to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini, who is the inspirer and co-author of what you can find on these web pages. He has returned to the Father’s house on April 19, 2021.

Today, we publish the new section “Taumatolantanology” (this is a neologism, coined by Fr. Emidio Alessandrini, that means “study of what is wonderful and hidden”). In this section we will address one of the areas of study which Fr. Emidio was most interested in, extensively explored thanks to his doctorate: “borderline phenomena”.

For a direct access to the page, please click here.

In order to immediately offer more in-depth material, we decided to also publish the first subsection, called “A.S.P.I.C.”, an acronym for “Anomalous Spiritual Phenomena Investigation Center”. Fr. Emidio helped to establish this Center around the end of 2004, together with some friends and experts like him of “borderline phenomena” – obviously, each of them was an expert as for his specific field of study -, so to provide a serious support to the Italian Dioceses.

For a direct access to the page, please click here.

See you soon,




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