It could sometimes happen to have “special” dreams on sensitive issues you particularly care about, and maybe such issues are also the subject of philosophical discussions and otherwise. The particular aspect of these dreams is that, rather than showing – as it usually happens in dreams – a re-shaped reality with vague and confusing elements, they help us better focus what is troubling us most, also providing aspects of unquestionable novelty. These dreams have been described by C. Jung as “big dreams”, which are able to provide our life with an unexpected clarity and new energies.
This is exactly the framework of the story of Father Emidio Alessandrini, Franciscan Friar Minor we have already got to know in other video-interviews, as both direct witness and interviewer. We will present you the story of a dream he had around 15 years ago but its recall is still vivid in his mind as one of his life’s milestones.
Enjoy our video!
E.A. – V.G.
Video recording:
– Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Elmarit – R 90 mm lens
– Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Distagon 35 mm lens
– Canon EOS 650D, with Planar 85 mm lens
Audio recording: Tascam DR-100 MKII
Location: Italy, Fonte Nuova (Rome)
Shot on July 20, 2014
Music: “Summer Garden” by Magnus Ringblom; “Heros Hand 3” by August Wilhelmsson; “Dark Trailer 5 T60” by Rannar Sillard; “Midnight Hunt” by Håkan Eriksson; “Choir Hymn” by Magnus Ringblom (