We keep on working on our blog’s new section dedicated to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini, who is the inspirer and co-author of what you can find on these web pages. He has returned to the Father’s house on April 19, 2021.
Well, always remembering him with a heart full of gratitude to the Lord for his mission, we now publish a new video – recorded in Loreto on December 4, 2021 – with the testimonies about Fr. Emidio of two of his spiritual daughters (Daniela and Raffaella). They will make us a gift by telling us some of the many peculiar aspects of his life and his service in the Church.
On this occasion, we also defined a new layout of the section “Testimonies – After the death”, creating three subsections to better collect the different testimonies: “In the family”, “In the Church”, “Spiritual daughters and sons”.
For a direct access to the new page, please click here.
See you soon,