Deus intelligit et non credit
Thresholds - Le Soglie
Awakening of hidden faculties

Awakening of hidden faculties

Here we are with the first Near-Death Experience (aka “NDE”) of this section.

The story goes back to more than 40 years ago but the words of Mrs. Gabriella, our protagonist, are still characterized by something with a true and intense taste.

All this happened one night, when Mrs. Gabriella Magrini, after a domestic accident, lost her consciousness… But that was the beginning of an incredible journey into the Afterlife, a muffled place of profound serenity, from which, however, she was forced to return.

After this event her life has not been the same anymore. Since then, in fact, strange phenomena began to happen to her, as if her Soul started to resonate with reality in a different way.

Enjoy our video-interview!

E.A. – V.G.


Video recording:
– Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Leitz Wetzlar Summilux 80 mm lens
– Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Leitz Elmarit-R 35 mm lens
– Canon EOS 650D, with Zeiss Planar 85 mm lens
Audio recording: Tascam DR-100 MKII
Location: Italy, Rome
Shot on July 12, 2014
snowflake / CC BY 2.5
snowflake / CC BY 3.0


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