Deus intelligit et non credit
Thresholds - Le Soglie
I will love you even beyond death

I will love you even beyond death

We are pleased to present to you one of those experiences that – of course, without underestimating the other stories we have documented – have the capacity to bring us far beyond the words being used.

This is a story that should be followed with great attention and respect, because it proposes, with undoubted efficacy, a worldview that is very different from our daily experience: distance between the different planes of existence seems, for some inexplicable reason, to be overcome by the great power of love. We will be reminded that love is able to maintain our bond even beyond the boundaries of death and, in fact, our video interview will be nothing but an account of a wonderful love story, told by one of the two protagonists!

Raffaella Raffaelli, the person interviewed by us, will tell us what happened one morning, just a few months after the death of her husband, Carlo. Her granddaughter, who was just three years old and was playing in her room, suddenly went to her holding a small note. Raffaella was so surprised when she recognized on that piece of paper the handwriting of her beloved Carlo!…

Follow this interview to get to know all the details of the story…

Enjoy the video!

E.A. – V.G.


Video recording:
– Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Elmarit –R 90 mm lens
– Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Distagon 35 mm lens
– Canon EOS 650D, with Planar 85 mm lens
Audio recording: Tascam DR-100 MKII
Location: Italy, Fonte Nuova (Rome)
Shot on July 20, 2014
Music: “Breakfast Epiphany 1” by Jimmy Wahlstee; “Touch of Heaven 3” by Jonatan Järpehag; “Lost Souls” by Gunnar Johnsén; “Secrets and Lies 4” by Johannes Bornlöf (


Photographic documentation: note given to Mrs. Raffaella Raffaelli by her granddaughter

Note – Detail 1 (Canon EOS 5D + Canon 70-120mm zoom, 2015)


Note – Detail 2 (Canon EOS 5D + Canon 70-120mm zoom, 2015)




Note – Detail 3 (Canon EOS 5D + Canon 70-120mm zoom, 2015)

Note (Canon EOS 5D + Canon 70-120mm zoom, 2015)

Photographic equipment: Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Canon 70-120 mm zoom
Location: Italy, Fonte Nuova (Rome)
Date: May 3, 2015


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