Here we are with our first publication of the new year! Some days have passed since our previous release at the end of 2014 but we believe that, once you have seen what we have decided to publish for you, you will deem it to be worth. Well, what is it? Following the path “Windows unto the future” > “Revealing deceased” you will find the new page “Final greetings” (for direct access, click here).
Here you can find the second story of Mrs. Giovanna Alessandrini, teacher now retired and very skilled painter, that will bring us back to about ten years ago, when our protagonist used to assist an elderly lady, more than eighty years old, blind, very sick and forced on a wheelchair.
Do not miss the opportunity to follow this short story, that is really so meaningful and deeply comforting, even for those who are possibly in a period of profound personal or family suffering… Death is not the end! Love always has the last word!…
Post a comment and tell us, if you have any, similar stories, it will be a favor that you will do to all.
Enjoy the video-interview!
E.A. – V.G.