In a hypertrophic world that increasingly tends to relegate God to an optional sphere, one sometimes encounters events which, due to their particular characteristics – and, in the case of healings, also due to their immediacy and persistence over time -, lead us to believe that there was a divine intervention that transcended or subverted the laws of nature, and in this case we speak of Miracles.
With reference to Notae de Miraculis by Prospero Lambertini – the future Pope Benedict XIV -, in order to explain the term miracle, are provided definitions taken from s. Augustine and s. Thomas, who underline the sense of admiration that is connected to it: Miraculum a miror dicitur, quod admirationem pariat (that is: ‘Miracle comes from miror, that is what arouses wonder‘) and also quidquid arduum, aut insolitum, praeter spem vel facultatem mirantis apparet (that is: ‘Every arduous or unusual event that occurs beyond the expectations or understanding of the observer is called a miracle‘).
Well, in this section we will present you those events which, due to both the inexplicability that distinguishes them and the seriousness of the witnesses, can be considered Miracles, therefore providing us with the possibility of reflecting on the existence of a transcendent dimension that sometimes undeniably breaks out in our reality.