Well, today we would like to present you again our story “I will love you even beyond death”, that was published during last Easter…
Do you remember the wonderful love story that was recounted by Mrs. Raffaella Raffaelli? Through her words we were taken back in time to eight years ago, just a few months after the death of Carlo, her husband. We are sure that some of Mrs. Raffaella’s words are still in your souls, but maybe it is better to briefly mention what happened to her…
One morning, Raffaella was on the phone talking to her sister, who had called her for comforting her since her recent loss and being November 2 (the Day of the Dead). Her granddaughter – just three years old – was at Raffaella’s home that day and was playing in another room. Suddenly the little girl showed up, bringing a folded note and started nagging at her, insisting she took the note. Once opened, Raffaella noticed there was something hand-written on the note, and it was in Latin: “TE DILIGERE NON INTERMITTAM” (I will not cease to love you). She had no doubt that it was her beloved Carlo’s hand-writing…
Today, we are dealing with this story again (a story with an intense message of hope, which should not leave us indifferent) because we would like to finally show you some pictures of that note, which Mrs. Raffaella, from that day on, carefully kept together with a photo of her husband.
If you like to see further photographs of the note but also – why not? – if you are willing to watch again Mrs. Raffaella’s video-interview, you can click here for directly accessing the page “I will love you even beyond death”.
Then, post your comments!
Enjoy it.
E.A. – V.G.