Deus intelligit et non credit
News – Website’s update: The first testimony of a spiritual daughter is online within the blog’s new section dedicated to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini!
News – Website’s update: The first testimony of a spiritual daughter is online within the blog’s new section dedicated to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini!

News – Website’s update: The first testimony of a spiritual daughter is online within the blog’s new section dedicated to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini!


We keep on working on our blog’s new section dedicated to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini, who is the inspirer and co-author of what you can find on these web pages. He has returned to the Father’s house on April 19, 2021.

Well, now you can also find online the first testimony of a spiritual daughter of his. It’s worth to read it with calm and gratitude in the heart towards the one who wanted to share it with all of us.

For a direct access to the new page, please click here.

See you soon,


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